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Terms & Conditions

By using The Royals Watch website, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully. Declining acceptance means refraining from using our services.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Royals Watch owns all copyrights and intellectual property rights. Consequently, all content, logos, graphics, and other visual media are our property—unauthorized usage results in severe legal consequences.

User Obligations

In using our website, you agree to conduct yourself responsibly. Accordingly, you will refrain from posting inappropriate content, violating laws, and infringing others’ rights. Violations will result in a ban.

Accuracy of Information

We strive to provide accurate information, primarily in our watch reviews. However, we cannot guarantee absolute accuracy. Hence, using our information for decision-making is at your risk.

Limitation of Liability

At no point will The Royals Watch assume responsibility for any indirect, incidental, or exceptional damages resulting from using this website. The Law enforces this limitation to the fullest extent possible.

Third-Party Websites

Our site contains links to external websites. We don’t control these and accept no responsibility for their content, privacy policies, or practices.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions comply with local Law. We will resolve any arising disputes under this jurisdiction.

Changes to Our Terms

We may occasionally revise these Terms and Conditions. Continued use of our site following changes indicates your acceptance of these revisions.

Contact Information

For any queries regarding these Terms and Conditions, feel free to contact us.


Finally, you indicate agreement to these Terms and Conditions by using The Royals Watch. Violation may result in the termination of your access.

Note: Please consult a lawyer for legal advice. These terms and conditions are generic and may not fully comply with all legal standards.